Join the housing register

If you want to find affordable housing in Liverpool, Halton, Knowsley, Sefton or Wirral and you qualify join, you can register with Property Pool Plus (PPP).

What is Property Pool Plus?

Property Pool Plus is a choice-based lettings service in Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton, Wirral and Halton. Housing Associations in these areas must make at least half of their empty properties available for suitable applicants. Once your Property Pool Plus application is accepted, and you meet the criteria for a property you like, you can bid for it.

Am I eligible?

If you want to bid for an adapted home with features such as a level access shower, you will need to provide medical evidence, such as a report form an Occupational Therapist. Once your needs are verified, you will be given priority to bid for accessible properties.

How to register

Which housing associations are on Property Pool Plus?

You will find an up-to-date list of Property Pool Plus landlords on the registered providers list (

You can apply directly to housing associations which are not on Property Pool Plus.

Some housing associations are part of Property Pool Plus but also have their own separate housing registers. These include Cobalt Housing, Liverpool Housing Trust, South Liverpool Housing and Pierhead Housing Association. You can make direct or dual applications to these landlords.