CAC for Contracted AFROTC Cadet

Zero, Will-I-Am will probably answer very shortly, but until than this is what I know.
~ Can't answer about the CAC because my DS was an AF brat and decided to hold onto his military dependent ID instead of getting a CAC.

I can't see you registering for DEERS because you are not going to be covered for military healthcare. DEERS is for TriCare, and as a GMC you do not qualify for TriCare, contracted or not because you are not considered AD. USAFA cadets are different than ROTC.
~ Even commissioned AFROTC grads have to pay for Tri-Care while they wait until they report. You are not covered just because you commissioned.

I have never heard of a sponsor for cadets. Either you qualify or you don't.
~ In the ADAF world sponsor means the person that helps you get settled at your base.

I believe you cannot obtain a CAC without your cadre filling out the proper paperwork. IOWS, you can't get one without their knowledge.

Not sure why you want the CAC.
~ Maybe you want it to use AMC for travel purposes over summer break, but understand that as a ROTC cadet, you are the bottom of the barrel, ADAF, retirees, and military dependents will typically jump in front of you regarding hops.
~ Maybe you will be traveling commercial airlines over the summer and want it as a form of ID for TSA
~~ Airlines vary, so don't assume that they will allow extra baggage or jump the line if you just show the CAC without showing orders too.
~~~ Bullet and I always show our military ID for check in, and they look at it like a drivers license or passport, both that you have, and never have we been able to jump the line or luggage waiver unless he had orders.
~ Maybe you want it to get on the Army post to buy something from the military clothing store.
~~ Which makes no sense since they won't have the products you need as an AFROTC cadet. i.e. when DS was a 200 (selected for SFT) we purchased a new set of blues pants. As a 300 we purchased his Mess Dress. An Army post would not have AF clothing.

I get it is a cool thing, and my opinion is from someone that their son had an ID since birth, so my opinion is different, I don't see the need. Okay, re-thinking it, I see the need because certain stores/restaurants will give a discount if you show your military id. Aeropostale, Famous Footwear, etc come quick to mind. However, if you think that you can now use Tri-Care, and that is the reason why, you are wrong that you can as a ROTC cadet.


PSU 2017
5-Year Member Joined Dec 11, 2012 Messages 808 An Army post would not have AF clothing.

Maybe I'm wrong - but wouldn't the Army have AF clothing and vice versa? AAFEES is for both Army and AF - thus should have both, no? The couple Army bases I've been to had clothing for both branches.

U.S. Cyber Command_USAF

5-Year Member Joined Nov 14, 2015 Messages 29 You will/cannot get a CAC but you can get a Reserves "Green" military ID card.


Joined Oct 10, 2014 Messages 393

This is the real story. You will have to wait about 30-45 days to be put into DEERS by your cadre but after that you can go to any military office where they print CAC cards. Keep in mind that to get onto a base you will need someone with a CAC to bring you in. AFSPC_USAF said you can only get a green reserves card but that changed as of 1-2 years ago. Now every contracted cadet gets a full CAC card.

Joined Jan 9, 2016 Messages 72

Thanks for your answers!

I know the GMCs are allowed because a current contracted 100 and 200 has their CAC. To elaborate a bit, I just wanted to know whether you could get a CAC at any military facility. Using the RAPIDS site locator, the closest one is an Army facility (USACE). Would this be an appropriate place?

U.S. Cyber Command_USAF

5-Year Member Joined Nov 14, 2015 Messages 29

This is the real story. You will have to wait about 30-45 days to be put into DEERS by your cadre but after that you can go to any military office where they print CAC cards. Keep in mind that to get onto a base you will need someone with a CAC to bring you in. AFSPC_USAF said you can only get a green reserves card but that changed as of 1-2 years ago. Now every contracted cadet gets a full CAC card.

Noted. Thanks sled.


Joined Oct 10, 2014 Messages 393

Thanks for your answers!

I know the GMCs are allowed because a current contracted 100 and 200 has their CAC. To elaborate a bit, I just wanted to know whether you could get a CAC at any military facility. Using the RAPIDS site locator, the closest one is an Army facility (USACE). Would this be an appropriate place?

On the DoD website it says, "Once your DEERS registration is complete, you must visit a Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) site for final verification and processing." So by reading that I would say any RAPIDS site. You can also ask a NCO at your det. and they should be able to help you out.


PSU 2017
5-Year Member Joined Dec 11, 2012 Messages 808

I'm fairly confident that it does not matter who's side of the house you go to.

I had to get my pin reset, and my cadre said that out of the list of nearby'ish DEERs locations, an AF base was one of them.

Though - I'm not sure what the process of getting on base/post is, since you don't already have a CAC.


Joined Oct 10, 2014 Messages 393

I'm fairly confident that it does not matter who's side of the house you go to.

I had to get my pin reset, and my cadre said that out of the list of nearby'ish DEERs locations, an AF base was one of them.

Though - I'm not sure what the process of getting on base/post is, since you don't already have a CAC.

The process would be for someone to take you there. I'd ask a POC member or GMC member with a CAC.


PSU 2017
5-Year Member Joined Dec 11, 2012 Messages 808 The process would be for someone to take you there. I'd ask a POC member or GMC member with a CAC.

Yeah, that's what I figured. Every once in a while one of the Cadre members will fill up a Govt. van and take all the cadets down to get a CAC.


Joined Oct 10, 2014 Messages 393

Yeah, that's what I figured. Every once in a while one of the Cadre members will fill up a Govt. van and take all the cadets down to get a CAC.

Sometimes there are offices around that'll print them for you so you don't have to go on base. That's if you can get yourself there or find a ride.


10-Year Member Joined Mar 13, 2009 Messages 1,431

Maybe I'm wrong - but wouldn't the Army have AF clothing and vice versa? AAFEES is for both Army and AF - thus should have both, no? The couple Army bases I've been to had clothing for both branches.

Some do, most don't. It depends on the population of Army/AF personnel on or around the installation.


10-Year Member Joined Mar 13, 2009 Messages 1,431

Zero, Will-I-Am will probably answer very shortly, but until than this is what I know.
~ Can't answer about the CAC because my DS was an AF brat and decided to hold onto his military dependent ID instead of getting a CAC.

I can't see you registering for DEERS because you are not going to be covered for military healthcare. DEERS is for TriCare, and as a GMC you do not qualify for TriCare, contracted or not because you are not considered AD. USAFA cadets are different than ROTC.
~ Even commissioned AFROTC grads have to pay for Tri-Care while they wait until they report. You are not covered just because you commissioned.

I have never heard of a sponsor for cadets. Either you qualify or you don't.
~ In the ADAF world sponsor means the person that helps you get settled at your base.

I believe you cannot obtain a CAC without your cadre filling out the proper paperwork. IOWS, you can't get one without their knowledge.

Not sure why you want the CAC.
~ Maybe you want it to use AMC for travel purposes over summer break, but understand that as a ROTC cadet, you are the bottom of the barrel, ADAF, retirees, and military dependents will typically jump in front of you regarding hops.
~ Maybe you will be traveling commercial airlines over the summer and want it as a form of ID for TSA
~~ Airlines vary, so don't assume that they will allow extra baggage or jump the line if you just show the CAC without showing orders too.
~~~ Bullet and I always show our military ID for check in, and they look at it like a drivers license or passport, both that you have, and never have we been able to jump the line or luggage waiver unless he had orders.
~ Maybe you want it to get on the Army post to buy something from the military clothing store.
~~ Which makes no sense since they won't have the products you need as an AFROTC cadet. i.e. when DS was a 200 (selected for SFT) we purchased a new set of blues pants. As a 300 we purchased his Mess Dress. An Army post would not have AF clothing.

I get it is a cool thing, and my opinion is from someone that their son had an ID since birth, so my opinion is different, I don't see the need. Okay, re-thinking it, I see the need because certain stores/restaurants will give a discount if you show your military id. Aeropostale, Famous Footwear, etc come quick to mind. However, if you think that you can now use Tri-Care, and that is the reason why, you are wrong that you can as a ROTC cadet.

Sponsorship in this case refers to who is the sponsor for the ID Card. For a servicemember they are the sponsor. For a dependent, the servicemember they are the dependent of would be the sponsor.

And as has been discussed before on the forum, recently graduated/commissioned cadets are eligible for Tricare while waiting to go active duty. This was made temporary in Section 708 of the 2004 NDAA and permanent in Section 708 of the 2005 NDAA (known as the Tricare 708 Plan). However, it doesn't cover dependents.


10-Year Member Joined Nov 28, 2007 Messages 13,900

I knew that, hence why my DS held onto his military ID, and because of the ACA aka Obamacare, DS did not pay for tri-care while he waited to go ADAF. He used Tricare for Youths because as a military dependent child that was an option.a
~ He was commissioned, but because he was not AD, he had the option of both insurance policies. Going with us was cheaper. Plus, in the area that we live in, and where he stayed until reporting AD, many docs do not take on new tri-care patients. Keeping him on our Tri-Care meant he could keep his docs since he was not considered a new patient.
~ Our DD, not in ROTC, but when in grad school (22-23 years old) also used the same Tri-Care program for dependents.

Thus, I get what you are saying.

I still don't get the whole why anyone wants a CAC as an AFROTC AS100. AFROTC is not like AROTC or NROTC contracted cadets (scholarship). The contracted 100s are on scholarship, and AFROTC scholarships are known as a 2 +2.
~ In this case the OP has no guarantee that the AF will extend their scholarship for their last 2 years in college. Army and Navy it is a guaranty that it is for all 4 yrs as long as they meet the 2.5 cgpa, and pass their PFA.

DEERS, why would you want the CAC for DEERS? AFROTC is not like USAFA, you will still pay for a doc visit.
~ They are not AD, which means that they are at the bottom of the barrel, and most likely a chance in Hades to get to use any military facility. Hence, getting it for a healthcare aspect is a straw man defense.

Thompson brought up clothing sales. An Army Post unless it is joint (McGuire/Dix, Bragg/Pope, Ft. Rich/Elmendorf) will not carry service uniforms for each service. Sure, you can buy camo tees, or socks, at every base, but that is about it. The OP is only near an Army post, but is in AFROTC.

AFROTC cadets because it is the AF, knows about Hops aka Space A, but the thing is even ADAF stay away from them because if you have a must be back by X date, you don't risk the chance.

Thus, I am back to where I started from. why as an AS 100 do you want it? I am not trying to be rude. I just find it funny in a way. Maybe my kids took their dependent ID card for granted.

OBTW, here's the kicker and why I see it this way. Bullet retired in 2008 after 21 years,, I was married to him for 20 of those 21 yrs. My military dependent card expired in 2011. I only got it renewed in April 2014. That is how often I use it. For 3 yrs it sat in my wallet because I don't shop at the Commissary, in our area they are not accepting Retirees at any base/post for medical purposes, thus no need to renew it.
~ Renewed it because DS was winging (AF pilot) in Texas, and I wanted to make sure I could get on base easily since we were staying at the VOQs. Otherwise. my military ID would still be expired to this day. Truth be known, I would bet my kids that it will probably be at least a yr or 2 expired again before I get a new ID.

Just My Opinion. and just me saying until you are selected for SFT as an AFROTC cadet there is no need until the AF says you need one.

Last edited: Mar 12, 2016

Joined Jan 9, 2016 Messages 72

I knew that, hence why my DS held onto his military ID, and because of the ACA aka Obamacare, DS did not pay for tri-care while he waited to go ADAF. He used Tricare for Youths because as a military dependent child that was an option.a
~ He was commissioned, but because he was not AD, he had the option of both insurance policies. Going with us was cheaper. Plus, in the area that we live in, and where he stayed until reporting AD, many docs do not take on new tri-care patients. Keeping him on our Tri-Care meant he could keep his docs since he was not considered a new patient.
~ Our DD, not in ROTC, but when in grad school (22-23 years old) also used the same Tri-Care program for dependents.

Thus, I get what you are saying.

I still don't get the whole why anyone wants a CAC as an AFROTC AS100. AFROTC is not like AROTC or NROTC contracted cadets (scholarship). The contracted 100s are on scholarship, and AFROTC scholarships are known as a 2 +2.
~ In this case the OP has no guarantee that the AF will extend their scholarship for their last 2 years in college. Army and Navy it is a guaranty that it is for all 4 yrs as long as they meet the 2.5 cgpa, and pass their PFA.

DEERS, why would you want the CAC for DEERS? AFROTC is not like USAFA, you will still pay for a doc visit.
~ They are not AD, which means that they are at the bottom of the barrel, and most likely a chance in Hades to get to use any military facility. Hence, getting it for a healthcare aspect is a straw man defense.

Thompson brought up clothing sales. An Army Post unless it is joint (McGuire/Dix, Bragg/Pope, Ft. Rich/Elmendorf) will not carry service uniforms for each service. Sure, you can buy camo tees, or socks, at every base, but that is about it. The OP is only near an Army post, but is in AFROTC.

AFROTC cadets because it is the AF, knows about Hops aka Space A, but the thing is even ADAF stay away from them because if you have a must be back by X date, you don't risk the chance.

Thus, I am back to where I started from. why as an AS 100 do you want it? I am not trying to be rude. I just find it funny in a way. Maybe my kids took their dependent ID card for granted.

OBTW, here's the kicker and why I see it this way. Bullet retired in 2008 after 21 years,, I was married to him for 20 of those 21 yrs. My military dependent card expired in 2011. I only got it renewed in April 2014. That is how often I use it. For 3 yrs it sat in my wallet because I don't shop at the Commissary, in our area they are not accepting Retirees at any base/post for medical purposes, thus no need to renew it.
~ Renewed it because DS was winging (AF pilot) in Texas, and I wanted to make sure I could get on base easily since we were staying at the VOQs. Otherwise. my military ID would still be expired to this day. Truth be known, I would bet my kids that it will probably be at least a yr or 2 expired again before I get a new ID.

Just My Opinion. and just me saying until you are selected for SFT as an AFROTC cadet there is no need until the AF says you need one.

Pima, thanks for your input. A current 200 in my detachment got his over last summer (so between 100 and 200) because of his participation at a ROTC related summer event. I personally would like to have it as another form of ID and it is just simply convenient to have it if the ROTC detachment visits AFBs or any military installations throughout the academic years.