What Are Rental Arrears? What To Know About Late Rent

What Are Rental Arrears? What to Know About Late Rent

If you’ve got a tenant in rental arrears, you’re likely stressing about how it will affect your business in the coming weeks and months. How will you handle the late rent, and how fast do you need to act?

Rental arrears are not a good place for tenants to find themselves, but they sometimes don’t have any choice. Tenants don’t typically want to be late on rent. However, when they are, it’s up to you as the landlord to determine how to move forward. Will you allow them to pay late, make a partial payment or is it time to move to eviction?

As a business owner, you need to protect your investment. As a landlord, you want to treat your tenants with all the humanity with which you’d like to be treated. So how do you navigate this?

Today, let’s talk about rent arrearage, what rental arrears are, and how to handle late rent when your tenants just can’t catch up.

A Table Of Contents On Rental Arrears

Late rent is never pleasant to deal with, and many landlords have become familiar with its complications. Whether or not you understand why rent is late, you still need to know how to deal with it. Follow this table of contents to learn more: