I recently bought the 12 new Tombow Dual Brush pen colours that came out last year. So I now have all 107 (plus the blender), and decided to make a new blank colour chart for them. There are already lots of colour charts for these pens floating around on the web, but most don’t have the colours listed vertically, which is what I wanted. So I thought I’d share it here too.
This colour chart is A4 size, but you can print it on letter size paper by using the fit to paper option in your printer dialogue box.
To download this PDF, right click here or on the image below, and choose ‘save link as’, or left click to view it in the browser.
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I’ve created a range of colouring books for adults and children – you can see them all here, or visit my author page on Amazon (UK link). You can also buy most of my books and some individual pages as downloads from my Etsy store.
My work is available to buy as prints and on home decor, phone cases and other products from my Pixels and Society6 stores.