What is GHOST Protocol For Ethereum?

Blockchain technology is the talk of the town and many people are starting to explore it because of its numerous benefits. One such benefit, or pro as it’s called in blockchain, is GHOST Protocol. This article focuses on discussing the following topics on GHOST Protocol.

  1. What is GHOST Protocol?
  2. Need For GHOST Protocol
  3. Implementation of GHOST Protocol
  4. Pros of GHOST Protocol
  5. Cons of GHOST Protocol

Let’s discuss these topics in detail.

What is GHOST Protocol?

The Ghost Protocol is a development in the cryptographic protocol behind Bitcoin that allows for transactions to be processed without broadcasting them. It is an end-to-end encryption protocol that provides authentication without having to rely on centralized trust authorities. It can be either symmetric or asymmetric, depending on how it’s used. The principle of GHOST is that the sender only sends a ghost (or dummy) packet to the receiver, which can then reply with as many packets as it needs.

Need For GHOST Protocol

The transactions in blockchain can be published from anywhere. In PoW blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc due to the random nature of hashing two miners can be working on the same transaction producing two blocks.

GHOST protocol is a chain selection rule that makes use of previously orphaned blocks and adds them to the main blockchain and partially rewards the miner also. This increases the difficulty of an attack on the network as now winning miner is not the only one who owns the computing power. More nodes retain the power and discourage the need for centralized mining pools on larger chains.

Implementation of GHOST Protocol

Bitcore, a bitcoin development team implemented the GHOST Protocol. This is also the first public implementation of the GHOST protocol.

GHOST Protocol and Bitcoin:

The two are complementary, not mutually exclusive.

How Does the GHOST Protocol Work?

Pros of GHOST Protocol

Cons of GHOST Protocol