TMS OnLine/OnSite Professional User Guide
You are here: Getting Started > Introduction to the GuideThe TMS application addresses the specific needs of facilities and biomed organizations. In addition to keeping and tracking detailed information about your assets, resources, work orders and other key details, TMS interfaces with many Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) and generates reports that conform to Joint Commission regulations. TMS makes information readily available so that your responsiveness increases – improving customer service, Joint Commission reporting, and safety.
Since every organization has different needs, TMS can be custom configured to meet the needs of your healthcare organization. Thousands of current users in facilities, biomed, housekeeping and IS departments report great success with TMS.
The TMS OnLine/OnSite User Guide is intended to provide you with a comprehensive explanation of all of the features and options that are a part of TMS. This guide is intended for all users of TMS, whether they're a TMS system administrator or a general end user. If you're entering information such as work orders, assets and equipment records, and tracking time and materials, you will find the topics you need to guide you through these functions.
This guide covers all general, non-administrative functions in the main TMS OnLine Professional and TMS OnSite Professional applications. Installation (in the case of TMS OnSite Professional) and configuration of the application are not covered in these topics. For example, you will not find information on upgrading/maintaining your TMS database or how to set up defaults and codes within this guide.
For information on installing TMS OnSite Professional, please consult the TMS OnSite Professional Installation Guide. For information on perform administrative or TMS system administrator-type functions in TMS, such as creating new users or using the data maintenance tools, please consult the TMS OnLine/OnSite System Administrator Guide.
You will also not find information on installing, configuring, or using any of the TMS add-on or "partner" modules within this guide. For those topics, please see the Add-on and Partner Module Guide.
There are multiple places to find more information on TMS and its add-on modules. We have provided topics in the Additional Help and Support chapter to guide you in finding additional TMS documentation or technical help.
Additionally, if there is information that is not in this guide that you feel should be, or just a subject you'd like to see clarified in a future revision of the guide, we want to hear about it. We've provided a Documentation Feedback topic in the Additional Help and Support chapter with instructions on how to submit documentation feedback, suggestions, and documentation enhancement requests.
As you will notice, many of our software titles begin with TMS ®. TMS ® stands for Total Maintenance System ®. TMS and Total Maintenance System are registered trademarks of Four Rivers Software Systems, Inc.
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